Sunday, November 27, 2011

Make it Monday #42

Hello, nothing like another last minute entry....  I had a busy Thanksgiving week.  Happy to report that my house is all decorated and i can move on to amikng the Christmas cards this week.  I hope to finish them before friday , so i can mail them before next week.  Thanks for stopping by, Sam

Friday, November 25, 2011

Papertrey Ink's blog hop

Thanks for hopping in... sorry for so many posts in a row today.  I have so much going on today that if i don't post everything now i will not get to it later... yikes, i wish i could clone myself.  This is my card for the november blog hop, i just love PTI!  I have a seriuos addiction to their stuff, as do many others.  Hope you all have a great day, Sam

Friday friends with flair

Happy friday all, an early post from me today... i'm off work today... yeah! getting ready to decorate the house today.... kids are so excited. Have a great day and thanks for stopping by, Sam

Paper Players #73

Greetings on this unseasonally warm midwest black friday... still stuffed from the turkey, but i did go go shopping. I only went to 1 store, menards... yes for the cricut.  I feel like the only cardmarker in the world w/out one.  Anyway, lots to do today so here's my card for the challenge..... great colors for a snowy christmas card. thanks for looking, Sam

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Make it monday #41

Hello,  It's been a very busy week .... lots on my plate, work , laundry, painting our kitchen.  Doesn't leave much time for crafting, bummer.  Here's my take on Papertrey's glue essentials challenge. I used green flock on the tree and red glitter on the ornaments. I optied to keep the the card really simple. Thanks for stopping by, Sam

Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday friends with flair

So here i am again, last post tonight...i promise.  I've had a busy day , so i didn't get to this earlier.... work, laundry, holiday shopping, kids bathed and put to bed.....and now for the card making part of my day.  I finally opened this set up,  i picked it up a few weeks ago (it was a $5.00 friday set) , i deceided on the tone on tone look. Thanks for visiting , Sam

Mojo Monday #214

I'm back with another project to post today, trying to play catch up.  I had these papers laying around for sometime now and was waiting for just the right card to use them on... this was it. I'm pleased with the outcome.  Entry for mojo monday #214. thanks for looking Sam