Tuesday, April 7, 2020

CC&S #365

Hello! With Easter just around the corner I wanted to make a fun card to celebrate. I've been struggling with motivation lately. Where I live is quickly becoming a hot spot (NW Indiana, border Chicago) so I'm getting a bit more concerned. I've been trying to keep busy .. my house has never been so clean and organised in the 18 years we have lived here. It is supposed to nice here today, so maybe I'm do a little spring clean up in the yard. I hope you all are staying well where ever you are in the world. Thanks for stopping by today.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Sunnier days are coming

I've been trying to make some happy cards to mail out to friends. I originally bought this stamp to make Easter cards, but this sentiment seems to work well with that current situation. I want to try to spread a little cheer. I hope you all are doing well . Thanks for stopping by today. 


Wednesday, April 1, 2020

CC&S double challenge play along

Hello! I couldn't decide which card I liked best for this challenge I will share my other card I made. I loved Julie's card and wanted to try something along the same line. Hope you all are well. 

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

CC&S #364

Hello! I hope everyone is doing well, as well as we all can during this time. I've been trying to make more cards to encourage my friends and family lately.It's been difficult to find inspiration and desire to make anything. I know this is hard on all of us. The other day I dropped off my mom's weekly grocery order and she stepped out on her front porch as I was getting into my car, she was crying. It's so hard to see this and not be able to physically comfort her. I'm sure I'm not the only one dealing with an elderly parent feeling sad. So back to the card... stamps are from the Ton (floral image ) and SSS (sentiment) . I made another card for this challenge not knowing which way to go with the design, so I'll be playing along this week too. I hope you will join us, it may take your mind off things for a bit. Be safe everyone.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

CC&S #363

Hello! What a week it's been. I won't mention the "you know what" as we are all stressed enough. I'm still working , I work for a retina practice and we handle sight threatening conditions.. so we can stay open. I'm trying to do anything to calm my nerves, so tonight in my neighborhood under the cover of darkness ... there was a random carding. I put a card I made in a clear bag and taped it to friends front doors. I posted a cryptic message about it on my facebook page. My friends enjoyed the fun surprise. We could all use a bit of fun these days. Consider sending a card to a friend or 2. Thanks for stopping by. PS: sorry I used another mythical stamp this week.. I just really felt this was funny and who doesn't need a laugh right now. 


Hello! I'm back to share a fun card for our anything goes challenge. I've been a little behind with my card making recently. I'm hoping to catch up soon. How are all of you? I'm a little stressed, so I've been binge watching things about the royal family, old stuff, new stuff, really old stuff... just whatever pops up . Thanks for stopping by today.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

CC&S #362

Hello! Welcome back. Here is my card for this week's color challenge. I used this fun stamp/die from MFT. What a week it's been. I'm sure everyone has heard enough stressful information in the last week or few weeks depending where you live. I'm in NW Indiana , bordering Chicago. So I'm instead going to tell you a funny sorry about my kid... the 18 .year old. My goofy kid has been saving his paycheck and purchased himself an Ultra saber ( fanciest light saber , yep the star wars kind) , lights up and has sound too, well little brother purchased a cheaper one. During one of their nightly battles in the front yard ( keeping neighbors entertained) 18yr old hit brother's light saber and broke it... little brother then jabbed 18yr old in the chin with broken light saber accidently . Well the 18yr old needed stitches in his chin so off to the ER we went (this was 2 weeks ago) . Since he was 18 the nurse asked him what happened..... " fighting an epic battle for the fate of the galaxy " was the response the nurse got. It made his night, he laughed so hard and said "kid that was just what I needed" . SO I hope that brought a smile to your face today. It sure made my coworkers laugh when they heard it. Thanks for stopping by today.