Tuesday, September 4, 2018

CC&S #288

Hello! I'm popping in to share my card for CC&S, this month I'm hosting the challenges. I have had this Lil' inkers die for awhile now and have been looking for just the right challenge to use it. I water colored a night sky background in 2 of this week's colors and used the 3rd color for the moon. I've been enjoying some crafting time today , the benefits of an extra day off this week. This might be the only day I'm not driving to a kid's meet, or taking one to physical therapy (youngest grew ALOT over the summer and has some growth plate swelling, nothing major) , or helping at their school. The things we do for our kids, it goes by so fast (TOO FAST). Well now back to crafting, thanks for stopping by today.


  1. Love your spooky card, Samantha! Your creation for this month inspire me to create lots of Halloween cards! Thanks for the inspiration, Samantha!

  2. Awesome card, Samantha! Love the use of the colors - that sky is gorgeous!
