Tuesday, June 4, 2019

CC&S #324

Hello! I'm back with a card for this week's color challenge . For this card I used the new Fleur impressions stamp from the Greetery, anyone else buy this stamp? I love this layered stamp, such a beautiful finished product. My final layers on the pink and the yellow are a bit darker than this week's color, but I think it will pass. It's been a busy past week for us here, work (training a new employee) , kids finished school, hubby and I went to Michigan for a wedding( he photographed it) , stopped at a couple wineries on way home, did I mention we left our teenagers home alone? Don't worry neighbors were watching and grandma lives down the block. Came home to a huge mess... not the kids fault! Our freezer in the basement died and did you know the frozen butter braids (coffee cake, funderaiser items for school) explode? well now you do. I can't even begin to explain the huge mess it was. Well thanks for stopping by today.

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