Hello! Wha

t a week it's been. I live just outside Chicago, in NW Indiana (my city borders the SE side of Chicago) and it's been a very stressful few days here. In the last 10 days we have had 3inches of rain in a 15 minute time frame which caused flooding to our basement, while trying to enjoy a nice nature walk hubby , the dog and I brought home a bunch of ticks (gone now,YUCK) and the new town over from us had riots and looting yesterday. There wasn't a business not effected or burned down. All around too much going on. On a happy note I made this card...I'm hosting this week's color challenge. I picked these colors because they remind me of the ocean and that is peaceful and calming. I hope you will join us. Thanks for stopping by.
I love your two toned leaf/stem border. So pretty! We've been drowning in rain here in FL too. Fortunately my house is high and dry but some have not been so lucky.